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Upcoming Courses

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County Tipperary Chamber Skillnet continues to evolve our online training offerings and our funded training supports to companies within the Tipperary Region via funding from Skillnet Ireland.


We specialise in facilitating training in the areas of Management Development, Leadership, Professional Skills, amongst other courses. We also provide a wide range of funded or co-funded QQI accredited training courses, personal and professional development programmes, seminars and workshops.


Please Note: Skillnet subsidise available to Republic of Ireland businesses only, and not available to state or semi-state bodies.

Special Purpose Award in Training & Development QQI Level 6

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Special Purpose Award in Training & Development QQI Level 6
Product Details

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*Please fill in trainee information only

*For multiple booking please email

(Our training programs are open to all private or commercial semi-state companies based in the Republic of Ireland.)

QQI Level 6 Special Purpose Award in Training & Development

Location: Online Tutor Directed using Zoom

Sessions: Six Thursdays with start dates; January 23rd, April 24th and September 4th 2025.

Training Day – 09:30 am - 3:30 pm

Full Cost: €899

Skillnet Cost: €629

Course Outline:

The QQI Level 6 Special Purpose Award in Training and Development, commonly known as Train the Trainer, is recognised as an industry standard for professionals who train others in the workplace or in a range of further education settings.

The skillset needed to deliver effective training interventions is complex and diverse requiring trainers to think critically, interact positively with clients and manage complex group dynamics.

The learning and development landscape is constantly evolving, and trainers need to upskill and reskill to maintain their edge in competitive markets.

This course ensures that the knowledge and skills gained on our programmes conform to the most up to date developments in training in Ireland.

Our experienced, qualified and hands-on trainers will take participants through an interactive, challenging and motivational experience towards gaining a qualification in training and development.

Topics will include theoretical frameworks, best practice interventions, management of complex scenarios and group dynamics.

This includes 2 modules of training over 6 sessions

There are 5 assignments in total

6N3325 – Training Needs Identification and Design

Assignment 1 – Training Needs Analysis (40 Marks)

Assignment 2 – Creating a Training Programme (60 Marks)

6N3326 – Training Delivery and Evaluation

Assignment 3 – Skills Demonstration (40 Marks)

Assignment 4 – Critical Reflection (20 Marks)

Assignment 5 – Theory based project (40 Mars)

30 Credits Total

About the trainer: New Links Training Solutions

Experienced, qualified and hands-on trainers take participants through an interactive, challenging and motivational experience towards gaining a qualification in training and development.

Train the Trainer courses cover a wide range of topics including theoretical frameworks, best practice interventions, management of complex scenarios and group dynamics.

All courses are certified as a private training provider who has confirmed our updated Quality Assurance Approval with the national Quality and Qualifications awarding body, QQI

Please note that all courses will be conducted contingent upon funding being received and achieving a sufficient number of enrolled learners. If the minimum enrolment threshold is not met, the course may be postponed or cancelled. Enrolled learners will be notified of any changes in a timely manner.

Training Cancellation Policy

Training courses which are cancelled over 7 days in advance of scheduled training date shall incur no cancellation fee. Training courses which are cancelled within 7 days of scheduled training date shall incur a cancellation fee equal to 50% of the cost. Registrants who give less than 24 hours notice or fail to attend training will be charged 100% of the full fee.

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